Unitary operation for a rotation around axis is:
An operator to swap x and y is:
An operator to swap x and z is:
The general solution to the linear interaction case is given by (5.10) as:
Note that this is valid not only for , but also for , given the boundary condition at as (annihilation operator in the Schroedinger picture).
Then, if you start from , the expectation value of the number operator is:
Hence if you start from , you can never reach (even approximately) that satisfies in the future () or in the past (). In other words, is not reachable from .
To consider the effect of nonlinearity, write down a Schroedinger equation in the interaction picture. First, without the nonlinear term:
The interaction Hamiltonian is:
where I used the relationship:
By redefining the coupling factor as , we have:
For ,
From the Schroedinger equation , we have:
You can see that each state couples with and . The coupling to is slightly stronger than the coupling to . Hence if you start from , the state diffuses into higher energy states, and cannot converge into a single energy state.
Now let's add the nonlinear interaction .
The last term can be included in the base Hamiltonian by shifting the frequency from to . Then the interaction Hamiltonian becomes:
And the corresponding equations of motion are:
You see that each state has a self-coupling term with the strength . So, if U is sufficiently large, the higher energy states decouples from other states, such as:
So, as a first order approximation, we have:
Assuming that g is a constant, this can be explicitly solved with the boundary condition .
When , it is achievable to get .
Note: The condition to ignore the higher energy states conflicts with the last assumption . To avoid it, we may need higher order nonlinearity...?
The convention for the matrix representation:
(1) In the interaction picture,
(2) Again, in the interaction picture,
(3) In the Schroedinger picture,
(1) In general,
--- (1)
In the zero temperature limit , you get (6.73).
(2) Basic definitions and relationships:
Note that these relationships hold at any time in the Heisenberg picture since:
Now, from (1),
--- (2)
--- (3)
--- (4)
In the zero temperature limit , from (2)(3)(4),
--- (2)'
--- (3)'
--- (4)'
(3) From the expression:
The elements of Bloch vector are given by:
So, by setting , we have:
(3) Since
Hence, from (2) and (3),
By defining , we have:
Using the unit system ,
The contribution from the dephasing term to is:
Hence, the solution of is the same as 6.4.
The contribution from the dephasing term to is:
Hence, the equation for in 6.4 is modified as:
For simplicity, we use the truncated model. At the symmetry point , the Hamiltonian becomes:
For , we have:
Hence, from the Schroedinger equation ,
With the initial condition , we have:
So, the probability of finding the state is:
Since , the energy gap is .
The additional energy for a Cooper pair is:
From , we have .
In general, the Hamiltonian becomes:
(4) The standard Hamiltonian for the LC resonator is:
Natural frequency
Relation to the ladder operators:
The transmon Hamiltonian is:
Hence, the corresponding inductance is:
Using the relationships , the corresponding impedance is:
(3) The quartic term is:
Hence the first order contribution to the diagonal elements is: