




node01, node02の2台のクライアントで、同じボリュームをNativeプロトコル、もしくはNFSでマウントします。この状態で、一方のクライアントがボリューム上のファイルにflock()(Linux独自のAdvisory Lock)、もしくはlockf()(POSIX File Lock)を取得すると、もう一方のクライアントからもロックが認識されます。


※ GlusterFSが稼働するストレージノード自身をNFSクライアントとして使用することはできませんのでご注意下さい。


flock()は、Linux独自の実装で、Write Lock(Exclusive Lock)/Read Lock(Shared Lock)があって、さらにファイル以外にディレクトリにもロックが取得できます。





function linuxlock {
	echo $node ": Trying to take an $opt lock on " $lockfile

	ssh $node "flock $opt $lockfile -c \" 
		echo -n $node \\\": Succeeded at \\\"; date +%T;
		sleep 10;
       		echo -n $node \\\": Releasing the lock at \\\"; date +%T;

echo "=== Write-Write file lock test."
linuxlock $NODE_A -x /mnt/dir01/file01 &
sleep 1
linuxlock $NODE_B -x /mnt/dir01/file01 &
echo "=== Write-Read file lock test."
linuxlock $NODE_A -x /mnt/dir01/file01 &
sleep 1
linuxlock $NODE_B -s /mnt/dir01/file01 &
echo "=== Read-Write file lock test."
linuxlock $NODE_A -s /mnt/dir01/file01 &
sleep 1
linuxlock $NODE_B -x /mnt/dir01/file01 &
echo "=== Read-Read file lock test."
linuxlock $NODE_A -s /mnt/dir01/file01 &
sleep 1
linuxlock $NODE_B -s /mnt/dir01/file01 &
echo "=== Write-Write dir lock test."
linuxlock $NODE_A -x /mnt/dir01 &
sleep 1
linuxlock $NODE_B -x /mnt/dir01 &
echo "=== Write-Read dir lock test."
linuxlock $NODE_A -x /mnt/dir01 &
sleep 1
linuxlock $NODE_B -s /mnt/dir01 &
echo "=== Read-Write dir lock test."
linuxlock $NODE_A -s /mnt/dir01 &
sleep 1
linuxlock $NODE_B -x /mnt/dir01 &
echo "=== Read-Read dir lock test."
linuxlock $NODE_A -s /mnt/dir01 &
sleep 1
linuxlock $NODE_B -s /mnt/dir01 &


# ssh node01 mount | grep mnt
rhs20-01:/vol01 on /mnt type fuse.glusterfs (rw,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)
# ssh node02 mount | grep mnt
rhs20-01:/vol01 on /mnt type fuse.glusterfs (rw,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)


# ./flocktest.sh 
=== Write-Write file lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:11:26
node02 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:11:36
node02 : Succeeded at 01:11:37
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:11:47
=== Write-Read file lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:11:46
node02 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:11:56
node02 : Succeeded at 01:11:57
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:12:07
=== Read-Write file lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:12:06
node02 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:12:16
node02 : Succeeded at 01:12:17
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:12:27
=== Read-Read file lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:12:26
node02 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node02 : Succeeded at 01:12:28
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:12:36
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:12:38
=== Write-Write dir lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:12:37
node02 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01
node02 : Succeeded at 01:12:39
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:12:47
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:12:49
=== Write-Read dir lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:12:49
node02 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01
node02 : Succeeded at 01:12:50
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:12:59
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:13:00
=== Read-Write dir lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:13:00
node02 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01
node02 : Succeeded at 01:13:02
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:13:10
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:13:12
=== Read-Read dir lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:13:11
node02 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01
node02 : Succeeded at 01:13:13
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:13:21
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:13:23




# ssh node01 mount | grep mnt
rhs20-01:/vol01 on /mnt type nfs (rw,vers=3,addr=
# ssh node02 mount | grep mnt
rhs20-01:/vol01 on /mnt type nfs (rw,vers=3,addr=

この例ではマウント先のGlusterFSサーバは同一ですが、同じクラスタ内の異なるサーバを指定してNFSマウントした場合でも、NFS Lockは機能します。

# ./flocktest.sh 
=== Write-Write file lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:15:35
node02 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:15:45
node02 : Succeeded at 01:15:46
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:15:56
=== Write-Read file lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:15:55
node02 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:16:05
node02 : Succeeded at 01:16:06
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:16:16
=== Read-Write file lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:16:15
node02 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:16:25
node02 : Succeeded at 01:16:26
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:16:36
=== Read-Read file lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:16:35
node02 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node02 : Succeeded at 01:16:37
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:16:45
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:16:47
=== Write-Write dir lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:16:46
node02 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01
node02 : Succeeded at 01:16:48
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:16:56
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:16:58
=== Write-Read dir lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:16:57
node02 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01
node02 : Succeeded at 01:16:59
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:17:07
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:17:09
=== Read-Write dir lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:17:09
node02 : Trying to take a -x lock on  /mnt/dir01
node02 : Succeeded at 01:17:10
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:17:19
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:17:20
=== Read-Read dir lock test.
node01 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:17:20
node02 : Trying to take a -s lock on  /mnt/dir01
node02 : Succeeded at 01:17:22
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:17:30
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:17:32





・・・と、ここで、POSIXロックを取得するlockfコマンドは、Linuxにも無いことに気づきました。Cのlockf()システムコールで一からテストを書くのも悔しいので、flockコマンドのソースをQuick Hackして、lockfコマンドを用意しました。


# diff -uprN flock.c lockf.c
--- flock.c	2012-04-19 07:41:34.000000000 +0900
+++ lockf.c	2012-04-19 07:56:19.000000000 +0900
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     filename = argv[optind];
-    fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY|O_NOCTTY|O_CREAT, 0666);
+    fd = open(filename, O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY|O_CREAT, 0666);
     /* Linux doesn't like O_CREAT on a directory, even though it should be a
        no-op */
     if (fd < 0 && errno == EISDIR)
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-  while ( flock(fd, type|block) ) {
+  while ( lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 0) ) {
     switch( (err = errno) ) {
     case EWOULDBLOCK:		/* -n option set and failed to lock */





function posixlock {
	echo $node ": Trying to take an $opt lock on " $lockfile

	ssh $node "/root/work/lockf $opt $lockfile -c \" 
		echo -n $node \\\": Succeeded at \\\"; date +%T;
		sleep 10;
       		echo -n $node \\\": Releasing the lock at \\\"; date +%T;

echo "=== Write-Write file lock test."
posixlock $NODE_A -x /mnt/dir01/file01 &
sleep 1
posixlock $NODE_B -x /mnt/dir01/file01 &


# ./lockftest.sh 
=== Write-Write file lock test.
node01 : Trying to take an -x lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Succeeded at 01:33:28
node02 : Trying to take an -x lock on  /mnt/dir01/file01
node01 : Releasing the lock at 01:33:38
node02 : Succeeded at 01:33:39
node02 : Releasing the lock at 01:33:49